[Digital Performance] Space Roam

DATE:  April – May, 2015

TOOLKITS: MaxMsp, Nodejs, Threejs

COLLABORATORS:  Bing Huang, Rubin Huang

PERFORMANCE / EXHIBITION: NYC Media Annual Summit 2015; NYU Tisch

This piece stimulates the movement of space(built with threejs) by cellphone(gyro). Then connect to MaxMsp by CefwithSyphon. The whole patch is finished in MaxMsp.


We are telling a space traveling experience of 2 astronauts.  We feel calm but also lonely, tormented with fear in the space. It is a world of unknown and future, yet a world that we want to explore. In the end, after suffering such many types of experiences, we calm down and roam in the space. We look back to the earth, the planet of all our human being’s hope. We try to tell a kind of feeling for our planet and the space that us human belongs to, love, care and the courage of exploration.

Sailing Out To Space

I dream of sailing out to space,

Upon a yacht of stars.

With port holes all along the sides,

I’d gaze amazed at Mars.

With mast made strong with spider webs,

And sail of fluffy cloud,

I’d watch the Earth go sweeping past,

As out to space I ploughed.

With stars in front and stars behind,

And planets far and near,

I’d sail my yacht around the rings,

Of Saturn with a cheer.

And onwards passing Jupiter,

To watch the big, red storm.

Then far around its outer moons,

And through an asteroid swarm.

I dream of sailing out to space,

To catch a star or two.

Exploring through the universe,

And just take in the view.

(poem by Gareth Lancaster)
